Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Piano virtuoso returns to native Taiwan for twin concerts

 Taiwan-born Rueibin Chen will interpret Beethoven and Tchaikovsky in Taipei and Tainan next month

Reported by Taiwan News    


 TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Musical wunderkind Rueibin Chen (陳瑞斌) has returned to his birthplace to channel two Romantic era greats, marking the 250th birthday of Beethoven and 180th year since the birth of Tchaikovsky.

A native son of Tainan, Chen struck a chord at a young age by winning piano competitions, while most of his peers were starting to read Chinese characters. He played with the Taipei Symphony Orchestra at the tender age of 10.

At 13, the government gave him a passport so he could continue his musical education abroad. Chen's family helped him make the move to Austria, where he became the youngest student ever accepted by the prestigious Vienna Conservatory.

He later studied under Russian virtuoso Lazar Berman, becoming his first Asian student. He has performed with orchestras the world over, from the Los Angeles Philharmonic to the Shanghai Symphony, and taken the stage at an equally wide range of events, including the Salzburg Festival, Moscow's International Rachmaninoff Music Festival, and the Auckland International Piano Festival.

Chen has racked up a multitude of accolades over the years, including the Bösendorfer Prize, the Salzburg Festival's Best Prize for Contributions to Music, and the Golden Melody Awards for Best Performance and Best Album. He was also named "Best Young Artist" by Taiwan's minister of culture.

In a 2018 interview with Taiwan News, Chen said Taiwan was a late arrival on the classical music scene due to a dearth of public funding. However, he believes this has begun to change.

"I really hope the government can do more and more to support musicians through policy now that we have new concert halls opening up all over the country," Chen said.

The Taiwanese-Austrian pianist will serenade his hometown with selections from Beethoven and Tchaikovsky at the Tainan Municipal Culture Center next Friday (Dec. 4) at 7:30 p.m., followed by a performance at Taipei's National Concert Hall on Dec. 19 at 7:30 p.m.


Highlight: Chen Ruei-bin piano concert

Reported by Taipeitimes 台北時報     

 Fri, Dec 04, 2020

Internationally acclaimed Taiwanese-Austrian pianist Chen Ruei-bin (陳瑞斌) will be putting on a treat for classical music lovers this month in honor of Ludwig van Beethoven and Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, who this year are respectively celebrating their 250th and 180th birthdays.

Chen says he also wants to provide encouragement and inspiration for people in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, and hopes to infuse some positive energy into Taiwanese society as the year draws to a close. The program will include Tchaikovsky’s The Seasons, a set of 12 pieces that correspond to each month of the year, as well as Beethoven’s Moonlight and Appassionata sonatas. He says that these pieces are most fitting to help people face uncertain times.

A child prodigy, Chen won his first award at the age of six with a performance of Beethoven’s Pathetique. He left Taiwan when he was 13 to study in Vienna, the same city where Beethoven made his name. He later trained under Russian master Lazar Berman, which brought him close to the works of Tchaikovsky.

Chen Ruei-bin will be playing two concerts in Taiwan this month.

Photo courtesy of Chen Ruei-bin

 Tonight at 7:30 at Tainan Municipal Tainan Cultural Center, 332, Zhonghua Rd Sec 3, Tainan City (台南市中華路三段332號), and Dec. 19 at 7:30 at Taipei’s National Concert Hall, 21-1 Zhongshan S Rd, Taipei City (台北市中山南路21-1號)

■ For more information, visit

Chen Ruei-bin.

Photo courtesy of Chen Ruei-bin

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Pianist Rueibin Chen to give Tchaikovsky, Beethoven recitals

Reported by CNA English News 


Photo courtesy of the organizer Capriccio Chamber Orchestra
Photo courtesy of the organizer Capriccio Chamber Orchestra

Taipei, Nov. 25 (CNA) Concert pianist Rueibin Chen (陳瑞斌) will give two solo performances of pieces by Tchaikovsky and Beethoven, in the hope that the pieces will offer optimism and inspiration to people in these difficult times amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the musician said on Tuesday.

The choice of the two composers' pieces, Chen said, was made because of their lasting impact and status in the world of classical music and because 2020 marks the 250th and 180th anniversaries of the birthdays of Beethoven and Tchaikovsky, respectively.

Chen will play "The Seasons" by Tchaikovsky, a collection of 12 pieces that correspond to each month of the year, during the first half of his performances to be given at the Tainan Municipal Cultural Center on Dec. 4 and at the National Concert Hall in Taipei on Dec. 19, the organizers said.

For the second half, two Beethoven piano sonatas are planned -- No. 14 in C-sharp Minor titled "Moonlight" and No. 23 in F Minor titled "Appassionata."

The Taiwan-born pianist, who studied at the Vienna Conservatory in Austria and the Hannover Hochschule für Musik in Germany, said he feels that the pieces are most fitting for helping people face the current uncertain times.

Friday, September 25, 2020

陳瑞斌Rueibin Chen 鋼琴音樂會 - 貝多芬誕辰250週年及柴可夫斯基 誕辰180週年

購票  :  年代售票


有「天使手指」美譽的鋼琴大師陳瑞斌,如同天使演奏的優美琴藝使每個音符充滿了生命力與感染力。陳瑞斌自小即嶄露天才神采,6歲時即以彈奏貝多芬的「悲創奏鳴曲獲獎 陳瑞斌被歐洲新蘇黎世報 (Neue Zürcher Zeitung )譽為「二十年難得一見的天才」,20歲前已奪得許多國際權威性鋼琴大賽5項金牌。 陳瑞斌曾以第一位台灣出生鋼琴家身份,在美國知名露天音樂劇場Hollywood Bowl與世界前幾大交響樂團 Los Angeles Philharmonic洛杉磯愛樂樂團演出,也站上中國大陸如上海世博開幕、北京國際電影節開幕等大型演出舞台。他更在2017年受邀在中國大陸春晚演出,是首位演出的台灣藝術家,超過十億人口收看,並在2019年台北市政府跨年晚會跨界演出。 

他的完美演繹,得到媒體與樂評界的諸多盛贊。陳瑞斌的演奏,更具有發自内心的共鳴;被喻為「天使手指」的琴技,透過 “天使” 的指尖,把深沉澎湃倾瀉在黑白鍵盤之間,不僅是一位用雙手造奇跡的鋼琴家,更是一位用心靈感受文化、用生命詮釋音樂的藝術使者。 

 陳瑞斌曾說過:“ 音樂带给我很多感動,也带给我人生上的意義,走藝術這條路, 如果沒有一定的熱忱,很難堅持下去,我只有一個夢想,我真的很喜歡音樂,所以沒有放棄這條路。 ” 陳瑞斌將音樂描述為靈魂的聲音,他認為,當作曲家在創作樂曲時,常藉由人性最深刻的感受與傾訴及痛苦之中的柔情與感傷, 在作曲家寫作之時都深深融入於創作的音樂作品之中,這也是音樂最能觸動人心的因素。 

 今年適逢德國作曲家「樂聖」貝多芬250週年及柴可夫斯基180週年誕辰紀念, 貝多芬與柴可夫斯基兩位作曲家是古典樂發展史上重要的靈魂人物,在音樂史上占有非常重要的地位,並有著非常深遠的影響與意義。他們的作品幾乎無一不受到世人們的喜愛。 

兩位偉大的作曲家都勇敢地向命運挑戰,孤獨的去面對厄運與病痛的折磨,不屈不撓與命運搏鬥及挑戰的信念 ! 他們的音樂與精神,多年來令無數世人得到奧妙的共鳴與啟發。音樂也永遠引導人們熱愛生命、永遠鼓舞著人們為美好的理想做不屈不撓的努力與奮鬥。 




柴可夫斯基 : 「四季」鋼琴曲集全集 ,作品37 a

Tchaikovsky : The Seasons, Op.37 a


貝多芬:第十四號 升C小調鋼琴奏鳴曲 「月光」作品27 之2

Beethoven : Piano Sonata No. 14 in C-sharp MinorMoonlight, Op. 27, No. 2  


貝多芬:第二十三 F小調鋼琴奏鳴曲熱情作品57  

Beethoven : Piano Sonata No. 23 in F Minor「Appassionata」, Op. 57


 Wiener Zeitung (Austria) 





Kurier (Austria )




Neue Zuercher Zeitung (Switzerland) :




The Boston Globe (USA)《波士頓地球報》(美國)



Los Angeles Times (USA)《洛杉磯時報》(美國)
